Newspapers & Media

Tools developed
within editorial departments

Real-time information, multi-media and multi-network distribution, multiple contribution flows... answers to all the needs of an online newspaper.
Journaux & Medias mosaic

The result of over 20 years of experience in the media world, serving both news and major events,
our solutions meet the highest editorial standards.

Custom products, astonishingly simple!



With the completion of more than 10 major titles in French-speaking Switzerland, we have real expertise in the media and publishing industry.

Rich and varied, our experience allows us to approach the most diverse projects with confidence.

We immerse ourselves in the business areas of our clients to fully understand their operations, specificities, and workflows...

The design of our solutions is always centered on the various users and aims to respond as precisely as possible to their specific needs.



In order to optimize traffic on their site, several major editorial platforms have entrusted us with their web design.

Structuring large volumes of content, hierarchizing information, providing perspectives... are part of our services.

Ergonomics, usability, fluidity, attractiveness have been our watchwords for more than 20 years. Our specific UI/UX team is fully dedicated to making the most complex sites accessible and enjoyable. It also allocates a large part of its time to optimizing the interfaces of managers' tools.



Several hundred journalists use Allinone CMS daily - and simultaneously -

Text, photo, and video content number in the millions. The ease of use of the tool has led several newsrooms to opt for webfirst: editing is done first in Allinone, then it is exported to the editorial system.

Originally developed for the media and coverage of international events, our Allinone content management system is a true "field" CMS. Proven in the most demanding circumstances, it continues to evolve based on concrete user feedback.

All content <span>centralized in one place</span>
Distribution media

All content centralized in one place

Whether destined for the web, social networks or print, all content is centralized in a single database and can be processed in the AIO CMS database.

At the heart of the <span>work processes</span>

At the heart of the work processes

The entire editorial team can work together on the same secure platform. The workflow tool lets you define work steps and events that are associated with each editor.

The <span>digitized</span> edition

The digitized edition

The specific tool for managing editions quickly and easily, thanks to an intuitive interface: a single pdf import and the magazine's e-Paper is directly produced!

Technologies developed for your website's success

With this list of powerful, easy-to-use tools, you can maximize your productivity, improve the user experience and make the most of your CMS to achieve your online goals.
Explore these tools and discover how they can help you create, manage and develop your online presence in an effective and practical way.

We understand the challenges our clients face

With over 20 years' experience in developing digital platforms for newspapers and media, at iomedia we have a deep understanding of the challenges our customers face.

We are well equipped to meet these challenges and provide the best possible solution to create an effective and accessible product.


The official website of the 2002 Geneva Auto Show was our first Event project


The official website of the 2002 Geneva Auto Show was our first Event project

+15 000

15,000 hours of development dedicated to the official America's Cup website from 2005 to 2007


More than 350 clients use our AIO solution


More than 30 event projects completed

+1 000 000

More than 1 million unique visitors per day in 2007 during the America's Cup

+250 000

People use a website created by iomedia daily


Intelligent solutions
for your business

Discover our customized CMS solutions designed specifically for corporate websites. We simplify processes, enhance operational clarity and encourage active user engagement. Enjoy an optimized online experience, offering your users faster, more convenient access to a wide range of services.

In short, our CMS solutions are the ideal choice for energizing and simplifying your company's online presence.

ATS import

ATS import

This module interfaces press agencies such as ATS, AFP and Keystone with our CMS. Imported content can be published automatically or with moderation.



The Workflow module enables you to customize the various steps in the article publication process. In this way, the CMS adapts to the customer's specific needs.

Subscriber management

Subscriber management

A CRM module integrating subscription management has been developed and tested for several projects. We can synchronize prospects and subscribers directly from external systems such as Microsoft Dynamics and ASMIQ.



The comments module enables readers to react to publications. A moderation interface is available to ensure compliance with the editorial charter.

Funeral notices

Funeral notices

With this module, obituaries imported from editorial systems such as Millenium can be found directly in the CMS.



With this module, we give readers a voice by inviting them to share their testimonials using a personalized form.

CMS Allinone

AIO's key features

Key features

Site management

Key features

Content management

Key features

Integrated DAM

Key features

Users & rights

Key features

Tools and Modules

Discover the many features of AIO that simplify the management of your website. Benefit from a complete set of tools, for an integrated and efficient web experience.


Discover our media solution with
our expert Agnès